Tērā te hāonganui a Matariki, te tūmatatenga e ngau tonu nei i te kiri i te ate, ngā kaokao nui o Hinenuitepō ka tangi tonu ka maumaharatia koutou haere nei ngā tau.

Ka hoki mai kia tātou ngā mahuetanga iho tēnā tātou.

Tēnā tātou i ngā tini āhuatanga o te wā.

Ko te reo Māori tēra e pāorooro ana ki ngā whaitua o tua, o tata me te auahi o te reo e rere ana.

Tīhei Kahungunu!

Kia ora e te whānau

The purpose of this pānui is to advise you all that Trustee elections will be held this year.

As you will be aware, the Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki-nui-a-Rua Settlement Trust is governed by 12 Trustees who are elected on a Hapū Karanga basis, all of whom must retire by rotation later this year. We will start our nominations process to fill those vacancies with the successful candidates to hold office for a three-year term. Please note the retiring Trustees can stand for re-election if they choose.

Public Notice

So, from next week, the 2024 Trustee elections will be advertised in a public notice calling for nominations for the 12 trustee positions. The trustee positions to be filled are:

  • Ākura (1 trustee)
  • Hurunui-o-Rangi Marae (1 trustee)
  • Ngāi Tumapūhia-a-Rangi (1 trustee)
  • Ngāti Hinewaka (1 trustee)
  • Pāpāwai Marae (1 trustee)
  • Tāmaki-nui-a-Rua (4 trustees)
  • Te Hika a Pāpāuma ki Whakataki Marae (1 trustee)
  • Te Oreore Marae (1 trustee)
  • Wairarapa Moana (1 trustee)

The public notice will be advertised in newspapers as well as our website and Facebook page. In addition to this, all registered members of the Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki-nui-a-Rua Settlement Trust will receive a letter (via post or email) calling for nominations.


Nominations must be made on an official nomination form and close at midday on Friday 11 October 2024. Candidates must be adult registered members of the Trust and be recorded on the Trust register for the Hapū Karanga they are seeking election for.

Eligibility criteria is listed on the nomination form and in an accompanying information sheet. If you or someone you know meets the eligibility criteria required to become a Trustee and is keen to contribute to the future of Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki-nui-a-Rua, we encourage you to consider nomination for the Trust. Nomination forms can be sourced by request to the election helpline on 0800 666 035 or email to iro@electionz.com or downloaded from www.electionz.com/kahungunu

Once the nomination period has closed, we will update members on who has been nominated. If more than 12 candidates have been nominated, a voting process will be required and we will then move into the voting phase.

We have engaged electionz.com to manage the voting processes for the 2024 Trustee election on our behalf. Anthony Morton from electionz.com is our Chief Returning Officer. For any queries relating to the 2024 Trustee election, contact the election helpline on 0800 666 035 or email iro@electionz.com
From next week, they will also be making information available via their resource page for this election: www.electionz.com/kahungunu

2024 Trustee Election: Key Dates

Key Trustee election dates are listed below:

  • Nominations open: Monday, 23 September 2024
  • Nominations close: 12 noon, Friday 11 October 2024

If election required:

  • Voting opens: Friday, 25 October 2024
  • Voting closes: 12 noon, Tuesday 26 November 2024
  • Confirmation of results to candidates: Friday 29 November 2024
  • Declaration of results: Wednesday, 4 December 2024
Update your contact details

We encourage all registered members of the Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki-nui-a-Rua Settlement Trust to contact our office to ensure your contact details are up to date in the registration database. To do this, email administration@kkwtnr.org.nz or ring 0800 559 867. Please also make sure your whānau do the same as well.


If your whānau are not registered with us, please encourage them to do so. Applications for registration can continue to be processed throughout the voting period. Any applications received between 12 October 2024 and 26 November 2024 will be dealt with by way of special vote, subject to verification. Registration forms are available online at www.kkwtnr.org.nz

We appreciate your continued commitment to the future of Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki-nui-a-Rua and encourage your participation in the upcoming Trustee elections.

Ngā mihi, nā
Ray Hall
Chief Executive