
Te Ore Ore Marae

Comprising of these Hapū:

Ngai Tamahau Ngati Hamua Ngai Tahu-Makakanui Ngati Tutohengarangi
Ngati Te Tohinga Te Hika oPapauma Ngati Te Korou Ngati Noti
Ngai Te Aomataura Ngati Te Hina Ngati Tangatakau Ngati Hinepare
Ngati Hinetearorangi Ngati Te Whiunga

Whose geographical interest is:

Commencing at the Mataikona Block and following the Aohanga River inland to the Waingongoro Stream then north to the Makatote Stream to the Mataikona River inland to Pakowhai River then north along the Puketoi Ranges to Mangatainoka then south to Eketahuna. From this point we head west to Pukemoremore then south along the Tararua Ranges to Mount Alpha, east towards and along the Waiohine River then north along the Taratahi/Hikawera block to the Waingawa River. The line then proceeds south to the Taueru Junction then east across the Maungaraki Ranges to Kaiwhata and north along the coast back to Aohanga.